曾經有一個女孩,讓我有過這樣強烈般的 Bleeding Love。儘管流言蜚語從來沒有間斷過,我仍堅信我們的愛情、我仍相信她。然而,最後我們還是輸了,不是輸給他人的耳語而是輸給了她一而再、再而三所不該犯的錯誤。我其實已經能漸漸的面對這段事實了,雖然,回想的當下我還是會憤恨不平。只是我沒想到,在這麼多日子過去後,她所帶來的困擾並沒有隨著她一起離開。總在不經意的時候,歷經同樣劇情的受害者,卻總會找上我…不論是男是女,直到今日。我不禁懷疑,她到底是用什麼樣的心態與念頭看待自己的每一步、每一個遇到的人、甚至是每一段感情?甚至,她的人生?為什麼會如此的讓每一個接觸過的人如此負面的看待她。當他與她都訴說著,他們也曾經體會過妳給的痛苦,我不知道,我也開始懷疑,我當初的勇氣與那血淋淋的愛情,到底是怎麼回事?Closed off from loveI didn't need the painOnce or twice was enoughAnd it was all in vainTime starts to passBefore you know it you're frozenBut something happenedFor the very first time with youMy heart melts into the groundFound something trueAnd everyone's looking roundThinking I'm going crazy*But I don't care what they sayI'm in love with youThey try to pull me awayBut they don't know the truthMy heart's crippled by the veinThat I keep on closingYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKeep, keep bleeding loveYou cut me openTrying hard not to hearBut they talk so loudTheir piercing sounds fill my earsTry to fill me with doubtYet I know that the goalIs to keep me from fallingBut nothing's greaterThan the rush that comes with your embraceAnd in this world of lonelinessI see your faceYet everyone around meThinks that I'm going crazy, maybe, maybe*And it's draining all of meOh they find it hard to believeI'll be wearing these scarsFor everyone to see曾經遠離的愛不想面對傷痛一次兩次已足夠愛情全是徒勞無功陷入手足無措前時光已悄悄流走和你一起卻出現前所未有的感動我溶化的心碰觸到真實的悸動所有人都以為我昏了頭我才不管他們怎麼說我已愛上你他們想將我拉走但他們不懂我被血管牽制的心緩慢跳動我不斷阻止血液流通你穿透了我讓愛從血脈裡緩緩蔓延愛化作血液蔓延緩緩蔓延愛化作血液蔓延不斷蔓延愛化作血液蔓延你穿透了我摀住耳朵但他們太喧囂聲音穿透耳膜想要在我心裡注滿猶豫我知道他們是要阻止我陷入愛情但什麼都比不上你沸騰我的擁抱在孤獨的世界裡你出現在我眼前所有人都以為我昏了頭是吧也許吧流失的愛枯竭了我噢 他們不願相信我要留下這些傷口 作為給他們看的證據PS. Bleeding love,就我個人,我會翻譯成『血淋淋的愛情』,或許比較寫實一點。
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